Sunday, July 26, 2009

Music Time

During our move Jake found his Sax from High school, that he used to play soo well, he said. Now he can't remember a tune, except for Twinkle and Mary had a little lamb. He pulled it out this morning, and played for Reese. Reese wanted a turn, and was blowing slobber all over it! She was having a blast! Its almost her size, and it was heavy for her too. And, yes she is in Big Girl Panties...its a working progress!

We have moved, to a smaller place. Pretty much to stay cooler, and to start saving money to move to WA someday and buy another house. It's quite comfortable, and really feels like a home. Our other house was big, we bought too many unnecessary things to fill up the house. I guess we are also trying to simplify our lives. In our new place its just the perfect size. Only 1200sqft so we are adjusting big time, from 1900sqft. Which means we have lots of stuff to get rid of! Ahh the sweet sound of yard saleing!

Jake is still trying to figure out what is going on with his job. Its still up in the air, and he has been down from work for almost 4 months. But, it has been very nice to have him home more and going to be very hard adjusting to him going back full time! Jake is a wonderful HUSBAND. I am a truly blessed woman to be his.

Reese is a busy body. Talking all the time about everything. Saying the darndest things that we have no idea where they came from. She is repeating things such as "stup*d id%ot". I yelled it to a driver that ran a red light during my turn. Reese's version is "srupid inkidnot" It was soo funny, but I learned my lesson. She is learning different feelings. Being scared is her most recent. Such as the lawn mower and some movies are scaring her. And she tells us all the time when something makes her happy, like chocolate milk, her sweet addiction.

Brody is a little butterball. He eats everything, way more variety than Reese. He could eat all day if I let him. He has his 5th tooth coming in and is causing him lots of pain. Brody loves our new backyard, where the apples fall is his favorite place to search for rocks to throw. Also, he is walking, yes, walking at eleven months. One month earlier than Reese, so we have our hands full now. I thought it would free up some of his fussiness but the teething is getting the worst of him. It is fun to watch his walk room to room. He gives kisses and hugs, usually three of each.
Soo many things, well just the move really, but we have been soo busy. I am trying to keep sain with soo much to do! So, when the weather calms I will blog some more!


sarahmarie0730 said...

Sounds like you guys are doing well! I hope you move back to WA:)