Friday, January 16, 2009

Reese turns 2!!!

I can't believe our little girl is two years old already!
How did it happen soo fast?
It has been an amazing last two years for our family!
Happy Birthday Reese we love you with all our Hearts!
Reese is soo smart, she is talking all the time, and knows what is going on. She understands what she is being told to do. Reese loves to play outside and with her best friend Aiden, even though at times they fight over everything! She is a wonderful Big Sister to Brody. Her personality is developing tremendiously. She knows how to be funny and can tell when you are sad, if you are hurt she will give you a booboo kiss, if she is mad she will yell. Dancing is her favorite thing to do, especially to rap music which is kinda funny! Yea Reese is two, welcome to toddler years!